
How to reach
the Moroncelli summer apartments

Moroncelli apartments
Via D'Annunzio 3 - 47843 Misano Adriatico (RN)
tel: +39.328.7386224
cell: +39.333.5377315
e-mail: appartamentimoroncelli@gmail.com
By Car:
Through the A14 motorway from either South and North, exit Cattolica – San Giovanni - Gabicce Mare.
Follow the signs to Misano Adriatico.
By Train:
The Misano station is in the center of the town and it is located at 800 meters from the apartments.
By Plane:
From the tourist Airport of Miramare / Rimini by taxi or bus service.

Appartamenti Moroncelli: via D’Annunzio 3, 47843 Misano Adriatico (RN) - P.I.: 04008670400
Tel. +39 328.7386224 Cell. +39 333.5377315 E-Mail: appartamentimoroncelli@gmail.com | CIR: 099005-CV-0007

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